Sunday, February 13, 2011


The hunt is on - Yes that is Jim peering into the grainary with a gun.  Saturday morning Jim saw a cute little bobcat by the road on his was home from the ranch.  He noticed it by the road and was looking at the tracks. Well that cute little bobcat made his way down the lane sometime during the day and started causing all kinds of trouble for Buster.  Some of the pictures are kind of gross - so stop now if you don't want to see them.

Even the black bull seems to wonder what is going on:

Signs everywhere - the pictures get a little gross, but this is life - Poop:


This little guy - not much bigger than Shelby's tomcat has caused a world of problems.  Buster was trying to get his chickens in the coop for the night and they were all stirred up.  He couldn't figure out what the problem was until he went to the coop & out comes the bobcat with a rooster in his mouth.  It about gave his a heart attack.  He got them locked up & safe, but the next morning when he went into the grainary - out comes the cat again right at him - Scary.  This cat had killed some of the barn cats and was eating on them.:

Here is Jim off to the haystacks to see if he can find the little guy:

No luck on finding him yet, but I'm sure he will be back - too easy to get chicken dinner around home.  Buster said he has killed 9 chickens and at least 2 cats.  Oh, the joys of living in the WWW ( my friend Becca calls Wayan the Wild Wild West)!

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