Friday, December 28, 2012

The Sweater

A year or so ago as I was shopping on the sale racks like I always do, I saw this cute white sweater.  I thought my girls would think it was pretty cute.  Thinking it would surely fit one of them & it was a real bargain, so I bought it.  Got it home and Mara didn't like it , Shelby didn't like it, and it hung in Megan's closet for several months.  I asked my friend Becca if she would like it and gladly took it ~ I thought, well at least someone will put it it good use.  I never did notice her wearing it though.  Then a week or so ago Megan tells me that she bought this cute white sweater for $2 on facebook from a friend Amanda:

Megi showed me a picture & I said go ahead & get it, but it sure looks like the one I gave to Becca that you wouldn't wear.  She picks up the sweater & brings it over to show me & sure enough it is the same sweater. Becca passed it along to Amanda, who then decided to sell it on facebook.  Now surely there is a moral to this story - like.....
grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.......
use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without........

or maybe you should just trust your mom's opinion and gladly wear what she buys you instead of paying for it twice!!!!
Now any guesses on how long it takes Megan to wear it?

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