Sunday, February 3, 2013

Idaho Classic 2013

I've been pouring though the hundreds of photos from the dance competition in January and am finally going to get a blog on for you to see.  The Cardettes competed in the Idaho Classic on January12th.  It is the same competition that Megan competed in last year, but we have swapped over to the dance side of things instead of cheer.  It is a whole different world!  The girls competed in 4 categories & I will show you the pictures from each ~ First is Hip Hop:

Next came their Kick routine:

Military is next ~ (This is my favorite!!)

Check out these beautiful cousins getting ready to dance!! I'd like to think they came to say hi to their moms, but I'm pretty sure they really came to talk to the boys that were sitting with us.

Dance was the last category::

 The girls gather together to hear results:

 ... and for pictures after:

The Cardettes did well:
Hip Hop.....2nd
The scoring was very close & we only lost by hundreths on some of the dances.  We really don't count Idaho Arts Charter school since they are a dance school.  So in my book we got 2 1sts & 2 2nds.  Districts are coming up & I can't wait to see where we place there.  This is hard work & these girls are awesome ~ no matter where a judge places them!!!

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