Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Too Cold For School

The early morning phone calls and texts have come the last 2 mornings - no school!!! - a kids dream right?  Two days in a row it has been too cold to go to school - so if it is too cold to go to school, logic says that you should stay home and stay inside right?  It works for most kids in the district, but not for my Seth.  It does mean he gets to sleep in just a bit, but staying inside does not happen.  Jim is working days and that means that Seth has a little extra duty when the thermometer looks like this:

Seth has been a good sport to go and help his grandparents feed cows in the frigid cold temperatures.

Then he has driven his sisters to town for basketball practice and games - girls played last night & he has a game tonight.  So while all his buddies are sleeping in  - in their nice warm houses - Seth gets to go outside & tough it out.  Maybe that's why he is such a work horse out on the court?  Thanks bud for all the help you have been to Grandpa the last two mornings!  I bet he won't complain if I wake him up tomorrow and let him know the bus will be there in 15 minutes!!

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