Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hunting season

Hunting season opened a month or so ago in our neck of the woods. There are days that driving on Highway 34 at 6:00 a.m. is just like driving down I-15 near Salt Lake. Each morning and night I see trucks and trailers parked near the highway and I know they are hunters headed out to make the kill. I personally am not a huge fan of the whole game. The boys at my house seem to think it is fun - although not obsessed like many that live around here. I find myself secretly (maybe not so secretly now) cheering on the wildlife. That is where these pictures come in. For the last 2 weeks this particular truck has been parked down the road about 3 miles from our house. I have seen it sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the evening, but the somewhat comical part about it is that every time I see this truck parked in this spot, within minutes, I always manage to see some wildlife.

This morning there were 3 moose just right up the hill on the ridge above the white truck:

Kind of hard to see, but the one on the left is a young bull - a cow in the middle & a calf on the right:

I zoomed in a little on the momma & baby:

Then down the road less than a mile - guess what? Yep, 3 deer:

I didn't get any pictures, but I have seen Elk 3 times near the white truck in the past 2 weeks. Seth, the girls & I saw a trophy elk - huge beautiful thing just a few nights ago right where the truck is parked. I don't even know who owns the truck or what he is hunting (hopefully they don't read my blog), but I just have to laugh. Oh, and secretly cheer on the wildlife!!! :)

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